Psychic Tarot Reading


Although meditating on the tarot cards is important, performing a psychic tarot reading adds more depth and learning potential for a psychic. (Watching a psychic tarot reading is also interesting for spectators.)

It is important to understand the psychic tarot reading process:

The understanding of individual tarot cards and their relationships with each others gives the psychic a framework to operate from.

By asking a clear, concise question and shuffling the deck by hand the psychic harmonizes the conscious and non-conscious aspects of his or her mind - as well as the inner and outer worlds.

By laying out the spread of tarot cards, the psychic is provided with a more objective window on the world.

The simple process of psychic tarot reading can offer much to a beginner or advanced psychic. However, it is important to remember that the tarot cards don't tell anything - the psychic does.

A master psychic already knows the answer when asking the question, but spreading the cards can put this answer into a simplified, more easily expressible form that can be communicated to others or remembered for future reference.


Psychic Tarot   Path Of The Psychic   Psychic Meditation


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