Psychic Divination


If you don't know the answer, you ask the question. Psychic divination is all about different ways to ask questions - and hopefully find useful answers.

While psychic clairvoyance is about taking a look at things directly, psychic divination generally involves mental tools and systems. We can use tarot to establish a frame of reference, a coffee cup to look at emotions, chicken bones to predict the future, a pendulum to show us direction, black and white stones to tell us yes-or-no etc. Each have advantages and disadvantages - it's up to the user to use a tool well.

Psychic divination works through the use of symbols. In general, symbols make it easier to classify, analyze and tell one one thing apart from another. The general disadvantage is that it becomes easy to mistake the symbols for the underlying truth or reality - symbols are not always useful for putting things together.

To put it bluntly, psychic divination represents a quick and dirty approach: it's good for getting simple things done or starting out - as long as you don't get into the habit of using a crutch all the time.


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