Learn Psychic Abilities


It is somewhat less important to learn psychic abilities than to develop them, however, these are two sides of the same coin.

Learning brings in knowledge from the outside world, whereas inner development surfaces the knowledge from inside oneself. You can learn psychic abilities by successfully balancing these two aspects.

The best way to learn psychic abilities is to learn about everything you can.

Knowledge from all paths of life can be used to learn about all things psychic - if you manage to avoid the pitfall of knowledge.

Knowledge is not absolute. If you mistakenly assume that you already know something, you will miss the finer points of things. Know everything by knowing nothing - and psychic abilities emerge.

To learn psychic abilities, let the universe awe you, and let all the knowledge of the universe pass through you. The learning process is a dance, and a psychic must master it.


Psychic Development   Path Of The Psychic   Psychic Mind


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